Thursday, December 26, 2013

Doctor Who "The Time of the Doctor": Goodbye Matt Smith

I should have known with The Time of the Doctor and Matt Smith departure that there was going to be some major feels in time for this Christmas season. I really don't want to say goodbye to Matt Smith since he is, was, my doctor. In addition, he was my first doctor. It was awesome though how The Time of the Doctor tied multiple story lines together to this moment in time. In a way, this completely ties up the Matt Smith storyline as the Doctor leaving it open to Peter Capaldi's Doctor. With all this it forced The Time of the Doctor to leave behind some of it's festive spirit for the bigger picture. Usually Doctor Who have this energy to them that makes it joyous to watch on Christmas day, but with Matt Smith's departure the episode seemed to center on that. Merry Christmas whovians!

So it all began with the Doctor's curiosity in The Time of the Doctor as he investigated a strange signal coming from a planet. Not only that, but the planet is surrounded by all the enemies the Doctor had previously faced. Then Clara calls asking the Doctor to be her pretend boyfriend for Christmas dinner. He shows up in unusual fashion and then lets Clara talk him into letting her cook the turkey in the Tardis. Then he takes her to back to the guarded first planet where they speak to the head of the church to see if they can take a peek at the planet. With access granted, the Doctor and Clara are transported to a town called Christmas where they discover something the Doctor hasn't seen in years. Not only that, but what it calling for help from beyond it. Seeing as time has caught up to him, the Doctor sends Clara away and decides to stay in Christmas to defend the town and the secret it protects.

It was really sad to see Matt Smith leave as the Doctor in The Time of the Doctor and the little moments it gave to Smith one last act before Matt Smith bows out. The Time of the Doctor took it's time to remind us of what we loved about Matt Smith's Doctor and getting us ready for the enviable departure. Like his random moments and silly quirks that brought life to his version of the Doctor. Not to mention the moments where it got deep and such. I think that was the true strong point of the entire episode was Matt Smith's final hour (and a half) as the Doctor. It was also adorable seeing the Doctor drag around a Cyberman head and calling it handles. What I love is how Moffat tied in everything that has appeared in the Matt Smith era to The Time of the Doctor, and this is 3 seasons worth of stuff. I'm talking the cracks in time, the silence, and even the events of The Wedding of River Song. Trust Moffat to connect everything like that. What was great though was that Moffat remembered all the regenerations and brought up the correct number. The surprise cameo was lovely too. 

Despite being a Christmas special and Matt Smith's send off, The Time of the Doctor wasn't as strong as it should have been. Like comparing it to David Tenannt's departure make it look pale in comparison. Despite being a Christmas special it seemed to lack that festive spirit if you don't count Clara's Christmas dinner and a town called Christmas. The Time of the Doctor really lacked the energy it should have had seeing Matt Smith off. It also seemed a bit plot lagged as it jumped from the Doctor sending Clara away and defending the town and then having her come back and all. I was worried at one point I was going to see Matt Smith leave with an old face than his. Now onto the regeneration, I didn't know it could be used like that, or do what it did. And then all of the sudden it happens and Peter Capaldi shows his face for a minute and thats it. I'm not sure about you, but I didn't really get a good look at this new Doctor at all. All I saw was he was forgetful and not Matt Smith. Don't worry, I won't hate on his because hes not Matt Smith, I'm willing to give him a chance. I just would have liked to get to know him better.

The Time of the Doctor is Matt Smith's last appearance as the Doctor as Peter Capaldi takes over the role. Sad to see him go, but Doctor Who must go on. It would be nice though if BBC had a trailer for the upcoming season 8 and even when that is going to air. I'm going to assume that BBC will announce sometime in the new year when it plans to air the next season of Doctor Who. I'm interested on how Capaldi takes on the role of the Doctor and what will happen next. Merry Christmas everyone and see you all in the new year.

What did you think of Matt Smith's departure? What is your predictions on Capaldi's Doctor?

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