Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sleepy Hollow "The Golem": Basically Don't Mess With Fate

So Sleepy Hollow is back everyone with The Golem! And now it's off again on hiatus till the new year. Love you too Sleepy Hollow writers. Anyways two weeks after we learned that our beloved Ichabod is actually a father and never knew about it until, well now. Just one of the many secrets Katrina kept from him. Much as I love delving into Ichabod's emotional side, I feel that The Golem didn't really live up expectations. I mean it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't emotional either. I didn't walk away from The Golem screaming at my television and trying to calm my feels down. Instead I was slightly confused and trying to collect my thoughts. It was also nice to see the sin eater, Henry back and joining Team Witness. Can't believe there is only like 3 episode (if you don't count the two hour finale as one episode) to this season.

After the discovery of his son, Ichabod is obviously moping over the fact he was never in his son's life in the beginning of The Golem. Abbie tries to cheer him up and Ichabod tells her he needs to speak to Katrina again and find out what happened to their son. So Ichabod calls up the sin eater, Henry, to help him connect with Katrina. Henry warns Ichabod about the consequences of going to Purgatory, but Ichabod accepts the risks and goes anyways. In Purgatory, Katrina informs Ichabod that she didn't tell him before due to their fleeting moments together and she didn't know she was pregnant until after she buried him. She had to flee coven and when she had their son, Jeremy, she had to give him up for his own safety. When something arrives, Ichabod is ejected from Purgatory and back into reality, unknowingly bringing the creature back with him. Ichabod, Abbie and Henry head out to further look into what happened to Jeremy and soon discover that Katrina's coven is linked to all this.

It is great to have Sleepy Hollow back though, even if it's just one episode and The Golem took us on Ichabod's emotional journey to discover the truth in addition to bringing back the Sin Eater, Henry. Guys, I'm just going to call him Henry from now on. I need to point out how excellent the creature designs have been for the creatures Sleepy Hollow has brought into it's universe. They could have been cheesy as hell, but they have this creepy vibe to them that fits them well into the Sleepy Hollow universe it has built this season. The Golem made me realize this and how a couple well placed angles can do wonders. What really made The Golem worth watching was Ichabod and how he let his emotions do the talking as he searched for his son's fate. In past episodes, we see Ichabod rationally deal with things to help the greater good, unless it doesn't involve Katrina or his son. So seeing him letting loose a bit is interesting. Whether it's him choosing to let the witches die instead of saving them, or choosing to ignore consequences of going to Purgatory. This plot development brought some more answers on how Katrina got to Purgatory in the first place, and the fate of their son. Henry was a nice addition to Team Witness as well, and it great to see him back again. Love the little nudges at Christmas on The Golem and how Sleepy Hollow didn't dive into the season and holiday spirit. I love how Sleepy Hollow deals with holidays.

There was just something about The Golem though that didn't seem to fulfill my expectations of the episode. I thought it would be more emotional and it would send me off into an emotional spiral like Supernatural did last week. The Golem is supposed to be the fall finale of Sleepy Hollow right? The storyline with Jeremy was very brief and I kinda wanted more done with that, but I can't think how. Or maybe I wanted Ichabod's journey to find the truth to be more journeyous. One thing I want to mention, someone pointed out to me that Sleepy Hollow is taking somethings from The Vampire Diaries,  and I don't know much, but seriously, the kid's name is Jeremy? Couldn't it have been something more cooler like his parents' names? Now not to be mean, I find Captian Irving's storyline to be a bit bald, but I can see how it can shape into the main storyline soon. Although I do not appreciate writers of you telling us that the witnesses and their team mates will die after this is all over. They need to live.

So now we all have to wait till January for the remaining episodes to air and finish up season 1 of Sleepy Hollow. I know Ichabod is adorable, and hey, him cutting wood was just so damn sexy. But compared to other episodes, The Golem was okay. In a way, it just felt like it was moving the story forward. As for the best Ichabod verses Modern day, it's a tie between the fun house mirrors and modern language. I know you all will be joking about Ichabod's little vocabulary lesson, and spamming it all over Tumblr. Although the fun house mirrors were entertaining. And the moment after, touching. Merry Christmas Sleepy Heads and I will see you all January. Now where was that promo?

Did you like the Golem? What do you think of Jeremy's story?

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