Sunday, April 21, 2013

Doctor Who "Hide": Nothing Is What It Seems

What an interesting episode Hide was for Doctor Who, not to mention a vast improvement from the previous episode. Hide had twists and turns at every corner along with little humorous quips and parallels. Not to mention a nice play with the relationship between the Doctor and Clara. Hide was everything that made Doctor Who such a great show. Or rather an good example. Doctor Who has taught us to never assume anything and I think we all love it when a storyline surprises us once and a while. Sure it's fun to figure it out, but the true fun is going along for the ride and living in the moment of the scene. That is the true fan experience.

So Hide began off as a good ole fashioned ghost story with a man and a woman searching for a ghost in a house. After they manage to send the ghost away when the Doctor and Clara declaring they are here for the ghost (in addition to being 'Ghostbusters'). So the Doctor does his normal thing of explaining why they're here and heads off to investigate. Of course not after Clara makes the Doctor dare her to do it. They begin noticing signs of a haunting, and begin feeling signs of someone watching them. Skipping ahead, the Doctor realizes something is not right head and follows a hunch by heading out to the Tardis and traveling throughout earth's timeline. The Doctor soon confirms what he figured out that the ghost was something else entirely and there was something else going on.

I really enjoyed Hide overall as it once again showed us the strong points of the friendship of Clara and the Doctor. Hide showed them at a high point, working together to solve the mystery and saving each other. You have to admit it was pretty cool and funny that Clara managed to save the Doctor (twice haha). Not to mention that high five will probably cycle through tumblr for a while. It was also refreshing to see Clara react to seeing the events of earth coming to be and ending. In a way this shows us how different the Doctor is from us and how these events seem small on an emotional scale. To him, it is just the flow of time. Which brings us to the nice comparison between Alec Palmer and the Doctor. Both of them were warriors in their own rights, saw and lost too much to battles. They find salvation in helping others. Hide also had it's share of moments that made us laugh, my person favorite is when the Doctor is informing Clara he is giving her "the face". I'm not going to go into the whole twist and turns thing in order to avoid spoiling the fun.

Now what didn't work in Hide? Well I would like to know why the Doctor choose to pick an empath to figure out who Clara is? I'm sure there are better ways to do that? Also love how Clara used the Tardis easily, although I am willing to look over it because she saved the Doctor. Actually now that I think about, I don't have any real complaints about Hide, so let's leave it there.

There are times where I really wish all episodes of Doctor Who were like Hide. I enjoy being surprised and being a viewer along for the ride. So good job writers, and I hope you guys keep up with this. Although I would like a bone about Clara please. Just something to help me start making ridiculous theories about her. All we know about her so far is that she has died twice and is a normal human girl. Next week should be interesting as we dive into the Tardis and what is really inside it. Should be fun right?

What was your favorite quote of the night? Did you see the twists coming?

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