Thursday, March 21, 2013

Supernatural "Goodbye Stranger": Bring On The Angst and Feels

Supernatural, if you cut us, do we not bleed? I have to say that this week's episode of Supernatural, Goodbye Stranger was a real heart breaker as Supernatural just rubbed salt in our wounds. Goodbye Stranger made us laugh and cry as Supernatural comes back from it's hiatus. Although fans across the globe were affected by the events that occurred during Goodbye Stranger, cause no true fan can say they were not affected at all. If I haven't said it before, Robbie Thompson (he wrote the episode) you have made it into Supernatural history as one of the best writers that Supernatural has. And this is next to Ben Edlund and Jeremy Carver. Props man. Aw man, how I love Supernatural and how easily it gets me emotional about a show.

So Goodbye Stranger picks up with the Winchester at the batcave when Dean discovers an Asian Beauties magazine and Sam is working on his laptop (while coughing up bloody tissues). Sam finds a case of chain of strange murders in a town that is worth checking out. So they head to town and begin investigating the people who knew and had contact with them. As they are interviewing a woman, they are attacked by demons and Sam becomes overwhelmed by demons. Sam is saved though when Castiel shows up and takes out the demon, and captures the other. In space time place area, Naomi tells Castiel to lie to the Winchesters and Castiel  argues they would be more helpful by knowing more. Naomi tells Castiel to tell them most of the truth, but not about the angel tablet. So as they interrogate the demon, they find out that Crowley has a hostage who knows where Lucifer's crypt is, and when the demon is about to mention the tablet Castiel, upon Naomi's orders, kills the demon. They soon head over to the hotel where they find Meg, who had been captured by Crowley after they defeated the Leviathans. Anyways she reveals the location of the crypt and they head out to get the tablet before Crowley can get his hands on it.

There are just so many things that went right with Goodbye Stranger, and it is near impossible to properly sum everything up, but I can try. First things first, the Winchester angst over Sam doing the trails to close the gates of hell. We clearly saw last episode that Dean knew Sam was lying about being alright, and him finding those bloody tissues in the garbage can confirmed it. Dean is clearly hurting that Sam is lying and that his brother could possibly be dying. What made the moment between the brothers so beautiful was when Dean told Sam that he would do anything to help Sam make it through these trails alive. Oh you boys, how you make me hurt. That was not the only relationship that was hurting as Castiel and Dean's relationship was put to the test as well. Fans were treated to a lovely sight of Castiel hunting down Dean, and the scene soon opened up to a bunch of dead Deans (which kinda looked like something out of Mystery Spot) all over the place. The scene that really stood out was when Castiel nearly SPOILER Dean to SPOILER, and Dean was SPOILER Castiel to stop, and invoked the family card. The final relationship of the night is Megitel (hey even Dean confirmed it) with the cute little scenes between Meg and Castiel. Goodbye Stranger did a good job of showing how much Meg has changed and painted her a little more good than she would have liked. Those scenes between those two were just so adorable.

I refuse to pick at anything in Goodbye Stranger that I didn't like. It's only crime was showing me that scene of Castiel killing all the Deans off, and playing on our feels. Thanks Supernatural. Though if I had to pick one thing, shouldn't Sam and Dean know what angel killing look like? I mean, they can tell a demon killing at this point, but not an angel one?

Between the laughs and sobs, Goodbye Stranger will go down in Supernatural history in the list of episodes that make us all hurt on the inside. Although we did get some gets quotes, especially Castiel's little snipt of, "You know I'm a celestial being. I can hear you." I swear, besides Dean, Castiel is the king of one liners. I have to admit though, I am a bit fond of Megistel now. They were cute together, until SPOILER SPOILER. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to find my happy place after this episode. What a way to come back though.

What did you think of Meg? How did you fare during Goodbye Stranger?

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