Thursday, February 28, 2013

Supernatural "Remember The Titans": Everything Is Going To Be Alright?

Can you recall ever in Supernatural that there was a god that didn't want to kill Sam and Dean? In Remember The Titans introduced us to the first god in Supernatural history that didn't want to hurt the Winchesters in addition actually being likable. Despite CW letting us know ahead of time that this guy was the god Prometheus, it was still interesting to see the Winchesters trying to figure out who "Shane" was and Dean getting excited about hunting a zombie. I mean who isn't?  Remember The Titans redeemed Supernatural in my eyes after the butchering of the series in the previous episode. So between the main arc, the plot, humor and the angst, Remember The Titans really brought Supernatural's "A" game. Even while just making the fans hurt on the inside. Why Supernatural, why?

Remember The Titans opens up with a man waking along a highway with a truck approaching with a drunk driver. The man gets hit and is killed instantly and the driver drives away, unwilling to deal with what he had done. Police arrive the following morning, call the body in, but the body has disappeared. Sam gets words of this from the paper and brings the case up to Dean, who is going stir crazy waiting for Kevin (miss you buddy). So they go talk to the officer who found the body when the body appears again as a bear mauling victim. The Winchesters take their own look, and as they are talking almost themselves, the man rises again. They soon realize that this man, Shane, is not a zombie, but seemly a victim of a curse of some sort. In addition to having some fighting skills when he is attacked by a woman in his motel room. Later on, a woman named Haley shows up with her son Oliver claiming to know Shane. She soon reveals that Oliver is Shane's son and has the same curse as his father. The Winchesters decide it's time to take matters into their own hands.

Remember The Titans really was what Supernatural was all about; humor, angst, and family values. I must say that I was really liking Shane and it would have been cool to see him have a happy life after all that. I liked that Supernatural didn't have this potion somewhere to give Shane his memories back and made his character focus on the now. I mean, he was the nicest god in the Supernatural realm. Would like to mention that the scene with the bird eating his guts was pretty disgusting, remembering your horror roots there Supernatural? Dean was also a real treat this episode as he once again delivered some of the best lines and was our ever source of humor. My favorite line of the night has to go to the Winchester combined effort when they were trying to figure out who Shane was ("Uhh... we need to think. Dean, what do we know of that has...uh, Jason Bourne fighting skills, dies a lot, and has a history with violent women?" " I don't know--you?"). Oh Supernatural, look at you poking fun at yourself, and I love it. Now lets move to the part where Supernatural made us hurt when Sam began losing hope in their mission to close the gates of hell. Dean is forced to be the positive one and knows something is up with Sam, and its not good. What really made it hurt is when Dean prays to Cas to watch over Sam and help. At that moment, I really wanted Castiel to appear.

Despite emotionally destroying us, Remember The Titans, well wasn't prefect. Like how Sam was able to turn Artemis against her father easily using the idea he had that she liked Prometheus. Not only is Sam smart, but he got some skills of observation as well. Sam also needs to stop lying to Dean and tell Dean whats happening to him. Things turn out right when the Winchesters ban together. Supernatural also loses point for pulling that double angst on us.

Anyways, Remember The Titans was a great episode and leeway into the next one, Goodbye, Stranger. That title is a bit exciting and Castiel makes his return. Too bad that Supernatural is now on hiatus until March 20th. So Supernatural fans, hang in there for a bit and then you can glue yourselves to the tv screen. Same goes for you too Castiel fans. Peace out boetches.

What was your favorite Dean line this week? Did you like Shane/Prometheus?

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