Sunday, February 10, 2013

Merlin "The Dark Tower": The Name Of The Game Is Terror

Morgana is back, and this time, she actually means business. In The Dark Tower, Morgana kidnaps Gwen to lure Arthur into a trap knowing he would come after Gwen. So Arthur and his merry band head out to save their queen. Poor Gwen though, she really suffered during The Dark Tower while Morgana played mind games with her. You can easily guess what Morgana wants from all this and despite being easy to guess, it is still interesting to see how Morgana plays it. The Dark Tower also saw Merlin use magic in a new way that was non-destructive, in addition to taking the lead in the search for Gwen. Merlin fans be warned though, this episode contains something that changes the rest of the series.

So Gwen and her brother Elyan decide to visit their father's grave and on the way back Morgana attacks them. Distracted by the snakes conjured by Morgana, Gwen is soon captured by Morgana as Gwen attempts to flee. The knights soon return to Camelot with an injured Leon and Percival, and Arthur is informed of Gwen's disappearance. With his heart missing, Arthur informs Merlin that they will set out at dawn to begin their search for Gwen. Merlin soon promises Arthur that he will find Gwen. So while Morgana locks Gwen in a room full of Mandrakes (you might remember them from season 3's premiere), Arthur and his knights (plus Merlin) set out on their recuse mission. The gang soon find themselves trapped in a magic forest (which likes opposite day) and unable to get out on their way to the dark tower.

I am really loving how Morgana is really stepping up her game in her mission to take back the throne and how she is really becoming a villain (about time too). There is no whiny Morgana here, just a cunning and scheming one. I also felt that Merlin stepped up in The Dark Tower as he was more than Arthur's moral compass and secret protector, but a guide and someone to look to. In a way, this reminds me of how Arthur really doesn't appreciate how much Merlin really does for him. As a guide to the knights, that scene alone had this epic feel to it as they all raced towards the dark tower and trusting Merlin not to lead them astray.

Now I have a couple issues I want to address with The Dark Tower. First, during Gwen's hallucination scenes I think Merlin should have done something else with it other than shining a pale light in the actors faces to make them look like "ghosts". It was really cheesy and I couldn't take it seriously. I think thats what special effects are for Merlin. Merlin also decided it was time to remember that Elyan was Gwen's brother, as for the last few episodes it has been just pushed to the side. Finally, anyone notice during the horse riding montages that Merlin is missing from it? I couldn't find Merlin riding along with the knights.

Anyways, I did like The Dark Tower as Morgana brought her A game to the table and mentally tortured Gwen throughout the episode. Becoming a real villain there Morgana. Not to mention Camelot's days are being numbered now as the day of reckoning is coming closer. Just keep in mind that nothing will be the same after The Dark Tower. Although I am kicking myself for accidentally spoiling this episode for myself. Damn you Google!

Do you think Merlin should take control more often? What would you do if you were in Gwen's place?

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