Thursday, December 6, 2012

Supernatural 'Citizen Fang': Now This Is Supernatural

I wasn't expecting much from this episode, but how I was sadly mistaken. Citizen Fang finally brings Supernatural back to the level it was at with Kripke in seasons 4 & 5. Not that Season 8 hasn't been great so far, Citizen Fang just raised the stakes. Not to mention that it left the season for the mid-season finale at an oh shit moment. Those boys never really get a break do they? Also, Supernatural should split up writers Andrew Dabb and Daniel Lofin more often as they both hit off great with both their episodes. Citizen Fang was a great showcase of the character Benny and his relationship with Dean.

Opening shot takes us to Benny in Louisiana, where he is working at a diner (you know since he took a break from bar-tending in Bloodlust), and the hunter, Martin is watching him. With Martin still following, Benny heads home, but stays into the forest. Martin follows, and hears a scream and scrambles into the forest to discover a dead body. Thinking Benny did it, he calls Sam up, who informs Dean that he had placed Martin on Benny to watch. Knowing they have to check it out, the Winchesters drive down and meet up with Martin. Martin points the facts out to Dean, but Dean doesn't think it's Benny which surprises Martin. What surprises him even more that Sam is willing to give Dean time to investigate. Dean begins to look for Benny and finds that he has been going under the name "Roy" and working at a diner with a lady called Elizabeth. He later finds Benny burying a body, but Benny claims it wasn't him, but the work of a vampire leader wannabe. Dean believes him and promises to get Sam and Martin on his side as well.

I absolutely love Citizen Fang as it really was what Supernatural was all about. It had brotherly feuds and tension that made the brothers not trust each other. Even to a point where Dean tricked Sam and Sam was willing to leave Dean behind handcuffed. You brothers, how you hurt me so. I like how Benny was used in this episode, and it made me like him better than I did before. In Blood Brother it felt forced, but in Citizen Fang, it felt like Benny really meant it to stay clean as he established roots. Even the relationship he shared with Dean was great as they were really brothers in arms. Dean truly did trust Benny more than Sam (as much as that hurts), despite Benny being a vampire. Throw Martin into the mix, you see a real contrast between the Winchesters and hunters. Martin wants to put Benny down while Dean wants to see what really happened and change the objective. I felt in Citizen Fang that Sam/Amelia relationship grew a bit better as we saw Sam longing for that life, but hurting because he knows he doesn't belong. Supernatural really knew how to play the audience this episode.

I refuse to point of the errors in this episode, but I guess, a couple things that couldn't hurt. First, why wold not expect Dean to get out of the handcuffs (unless he did on purpose)? He take Dean's lock pick set or something? Secondly, I think I speak for the fandom when I say that we all kinda hated Martin. Then again he was a normal hunter in Supernatural and went with what his gut said. He somehow got the drop on Dean and knocked him out, which is surprising pending on the amount of time Dean spent in Purgatory.  Although kinda wish that he didn't do what he did. Another wish is that Benny called Dean for backup. How badass would have that been? I also don't like Don. In fact, I just don't like the love triangle Supernatural was trying there. As least Sam didn't stay around longing for her. He just does it from afar.

Supernatural never sticks with one type of cliff hanger and Citizen Fang was an example of that. Although it didn't have us weeping like Death's Door, and having a shit got real feeling from Abandon All Hope, Citizen Fang did leave with an oh crap feeling and wondering how the Winchesters are going to reconcile after all that. Citizen Fang was a taste of the good ole Supernatural before it goes on hellatus for a month till January 16, 2013. Although as fans are pointing online, the true cliffhanger was the promo for the next episode as Castiel returns and we find out what happened to him.

What did you think of Citizen Fang? Do you like Benny a little bit more now?

Next week we count down the Top 5 Episode of Season 8 of Supernatural.

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