Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beauty and the Beast 'Saturn Returns': Feeling Good

I knew you had it in you Beauty and the Beast! I have never felt this excited about an episode before Saturn Returns, and I must say this is by the far the best episode of the season. BatB finally found the perfect match for the crime of the week and Vincent storyline in Saturn Returns. BatB has been struggling for weeks to find the right blend of the two worlds into one, and I'm hoping they learn from Saturn Returns for their success. Also saw some major develop on the Vincent and Catherine side as the two get closer and the actors find their chemistry with each other.

This week's episode started off with Vincent and his inability to sleep, so Vincent begins his Arrow-esque work out (seriously whats with shows and their main characters working out their already beautiful bodies on screen?). After all that fun, Vincent hits the street (with JT), and soon hears someone in trouble. Vincent stops the robbery in progress but gets caught on camera. Shift to Catherine and her getting ready montage, as her sister (who I find more annoying than Tess) comes out to wish Catherine a happy birthday. Catherine heads to work where she finds a new article on Vincent's heroics and races to his apartment. They talk and Vincent mentions that he knows thats it Catherine's birthday (since hes been following her for a while) as he gives her a birthday beer and Catherine mentions that she doesn't want a party where she'll have to lie all night to her friends.

This week's crime was a basic fiance gone missing as the case is brought to Catherine's attention. It seemed like a simple case at first, like the missing person was really a wanted criminal, but that was not the case. Without giving too much away, Catherine realizes that the missing person is in real danger and is forced to move quickly. At the same time, Vincent is forced to deal with the fact that the people he opens up to like JT, and Catherine, their lives are forever changed and forced to lie to everyone. This cause Vincent to push Catherine away despite what he feels for her.

Now Saturn Returns was big surprise to me as I didn't expect BatB to still have anymore tricks to pull. I was obviously wrong as the episode had me drinking in almost every second of it. I really love how Catherine and Vincent are getting closer and how they have this special bond with each other. Even JT is team Catherine now, in the sense of he is no longer throwing hissy fits when he sees her. The crime of the week story was even decent as it turned out not what I expected as it threw some twists and turns in to keep me engaged. The element that kept me the most engaged was the changes we began to see in Vincent that could signify a change in his abilities. We saw it really affect Vincent near the end of Saturn Returns.

There is really two things that really annoyed me this episode. First, was Catherine's sister, whose name I can't remember, but she was really annoying. I get they are trying to make her look all young and hip, but there is a point where they should figure that its a bit annoying. Second, BatB went and did what I hate most and created a love triangle between Vincent, Catherine and Evan. I can't stress enough how much I dislike love triangles and how I find them really annoying as a plot point. Not to mention Evan kissing Catherine in the photo booth was really random. Speaking of random, why was there a photo booth at all?

Overall, despite all the love triangles, I very much enjoyed this week's episode of Beauty and the Beast. I do apologize about the vagueness of this week's review, but between keeping it spoiler free and attempting to remember all of it, I lose my words. So I do hope Beauty and the Beast keeps up this level of quality in future episodes. That and lose the love triangle.

What did you think of Saturn Returns? Do you think this is the best episode of Beauty and the Beast.

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