Thursday, October 18, 2012

Supernatural 'Heartache': It's All About The Heart

It's time for Supernatural to ease us back into the monster of the week format with this week's episode Heartache. Once again Jensen Ackles directs and faces the challenge of bringing the audience back this format that was established back in season 1. Heartache is more than your average monster of the week story as it deals with Sam struggling with his return to the hunter lifestyle while Dean wants it to be like it used to be; him and Sam hunting the things that go bump in the night.

Sam and Dean get word of people getting killed and their heart being ripped out, and Dean recognizes it as one of their gigs. Dean is over the moon to get back into hunting since his return from Purgatory, while Sam is hanging onto pieces of what he had in the last year. Dean is angry at Sam for taking the year off, convinces Sam to join him on this hunt. So they head to the police station (insert Alan Ackles cameo here), and find out there was a similar case like this 6 months ago and the investigation went no where. Skipping ahead a bit, Sam figures out the connection in the case and it leads to a dead football player. So they visit the mother of athlete, and realize something is up when she avoids all her questions. After some help, they figure out that a Mayan god is responsible and that it's followers are the ones doing the killings.

The main plot of Heartache was the turmoil between the brothers since Sam revealed to Dean he didn't look for Dean and went and lived a normal life. In a way the title, Heartache, plays on Sam's current state as he is back hunting again and longing for the life that he left behind. One of the best scenes I felt was the at the very end when we got a glimpse of Sam's life with Amelia and her giving him a birthday cake. If you think about it, Sam probably had never gotten a birthday cake in his life with John being always on the road. So this gesture touched Sam deep down. We also saw some brother bantering this episode, especially the scene in the strip club when Sam tells Dean he's gross. It is not just Sam though who is feeling left out as Dean just wants to hunt with his last family member and be family. Similar to season 1, Dean wants his family together.

Now Heartache wasn't my favorite episode, as Supernatural was once again forced to awkwardly slide back into the ole monster of the week formula. Makes you glad for the days when they did it nicely in past seasons. Ackles did a great job directing, it was just the elements of Heartache made the episode of a bit of a bore. Story wise it was much better than The Girl Next Door. Action wise, it was lacking in the department. This makes me fear for the fate of Supernatural, cause as you remember, it went a bit downhill after The Girl Next Door. It is only the faith in Jeremy Carver that I hold out hope for Supernatural. I trust that Supernatural will get more awesome in the coming episodes. My last pet peeve about Heartache was that the episode was advertised that we might see some of Sam's time in the year, but it was only seen in very last minutes.

Round of applause though for Jensen Ackles's episode and we thank you for your work. Hopefully Heartache will build up to something later on the in season (but not like the Amy arc please). Now I'm really excited for next week's episode as Bitten is told in a different way than usual. Similar to season 3's Ghostfacers, Bitten will be showed in a handheld camera footage way and the Winchesters are caught on film working the case. Watch the Promo below.

What did you think of this week's episode? Are you looking forward to Bitten?

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