Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Is An Excellent End To Nolan's Trilogy.

Christian Bale reprising his role as Batman.
The second biggest movie event of the summer hit cinemas today as The Dark Knight Rises, the final chapter in Christopher Nolan's Batman opens cinemas worldwide. At a length of 2 hours and 45 minutes, The Dark Knight Rises continues to prove that this new turn in the Batman series is for the better. Not only that, but the genius of Christopher Nolan for his artistic direction he took the Batman series though. Together with Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman (the rest of the cast too) and the musical genius Hans Zimmer, The Dark Knight Rises is in its top form as the story unfolds eight years after the events of the previous film The Dark Knight.

After assuming the blame for the death of Harvey Dent, Batman disappeared into the night sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon in order to build a lie for the better good. Eight years since that day, it went according to plan as criminals were being stopped and arrested under the anti-crime Dent act. As crime settles down in Gotham, a new criminal mastermind, by the name of Bane is on the rise. Elsewhere, Bruce Wayne is living in self imposed exile and has cut himself off from the world. Thanks to a cop named John Blake (who happens to know Bruce is Batman), Bruce decides to become the Batman once again.

The Dark Knight Rises is in a way the tale or rather the journey Bruce Wayne, as a man, takes to find real purpose. At the beginning of the movie, Bruce is crippled due to a knee injury and is holed up in his mansion, isolated from the world. Alfred later brings up to Bruce that Bruce hasn't let go of Batman at all and is holding onto it with everything hes got. The Dark Knight Rises shows this in the beginning Bruce head back out as Batman and goes after Bane. This ends up with him hitting rock bottom and forced to watch everything he has done for Gotham go to hell. Within the prison dubbed hell by Bane, Bruce soon comes to refining himself and a new look on life. Both Bale and Nolan did an fantastic job of showcasing in this as their story of Batman ends.

First and foremost, The Dark Knight Rises is a superhero movie and as a general rule, it must have fight sequences and a large battle. The Dark Knight Rises did that and made you sit on the edge of your seat while watching it. You have to admit you either get a smile on your face or your feeling of joy when you see Batman on screen. I have a feeling that Nolan played with that in the scenes where you were just watching for Batman to show and then at the right moment, BAM, there he is. Not to mention with some new toys like "The Bat" when is a flying tank essentially. Scenes also got some help from the soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer. The one down side was some times the action scenes made it hard to hear some of the dialogue.

There is more than action to drive a movie like The Dark Knight Rises, it also takes a great story to make the movie superb. The movie sets the beginning as the calm before the storm, plans are being set in motion. Everything starts when Selena Kylie (Anna Hathaway) steals Bruce Wayne's finger prints. Everything begins to fall into place with Bane's plan and Bane eventually gets control of the whole city. There are some twists to The Dark Knight Rises you probably will not expect, and I assure you, they're good. You can always trust Christopher Nolan to surprise you and keep you on your toes.

Overall, The Dark Knight Rises is an excellent combination of action, human development and thrills. It ties up the Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy nicely giving the viewers a well delivered ending. Fans can expect to feel satisfied after watching The Dark Knight Rises. The ending itself leaves some room for a possible spin off should they ever want to do one. You know in case they actually decide rebooting the series is a bad idea (which we all know). Our rating for The Dark Knight Rises is:
Trailer Below.

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