Friday, April 27, 2012

One week till the Avengers

The main cast of the Avengers.
One week until the wait is over. One week until one of the most anticipated movies is released. One week is going to be a long wait. May 3rd, The Avengers will be hitting cinemas in North America.

A week earlier is was released oversees and has been receiving glowing awards. On Rotten Tomatoes, The Avengers has been given a fresh rating and review. From the start it was obvious that this movie could either make it or break it. The Avengers could possibly be the biggest blockbuster yet. If it wasn't for Iron Man's success, this movie would have never been thought of.

To further the hype the studio has released numerous photos and a few clips of the movie to grab your attention. And lets be honest, we were all hunting for anything that was labeled Avengers. I'll post links to the clips down at the bottom of this post. In addition, there is rumors that at the end of the movie there will be a clip leading into Iron Man 3.

As for Joss Whedon, you probably know him as the guy who created the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and Dollhouse. Whedon co-wrote and directed this movie, which was a good thing. Whedon is known for writing great stories and characters. Which he brought to the movie obviously.

I am really looking forward to seeing this movie in addition to Iron Man and Thor. Just one more week and I'll join the masses moving to see that movie. Although I would advise to show up early. Heres a hint why; theres going to be a line.

Check out the other clips: Black Widow Interrogation | Headcount | Thor and Captian America in battle | Iron Man vs. Thor | Loki Imprisoned | Maria Hill

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