Monday, February 6, 2012

Merlin- His Father's Son Review (+Merlin-isms)

Arthur looking at the invading force.
As of now I am stopping my spoiler alerts. So this week's episode focused on Arthur's growth as now king of Camelot.  At this point in the series Arthur is still young and inexperienced at being the figure head of a nation and due to this looks to his uncle for advice. In my mind I kept screaming bad idea, but thats one of the shows elements it like to play on. The fact that we know something but the characters seem not to notice (cough cough Uther about Morgana). So following his uncle's advice Arthur kills a king of another nation and attempts to stay a distance from Gwen. His actions soon bring war onto Camelot by the Queen Annis of Caerleon.

During this episode, Arthur begins to stand alone and distances himself from his friends. Merlin tries to reach out, but Arthur turns away as he tries to be a great ruler like his father. But no matter how thick headed Arthur is, Merlin manages to get through. I felt this episode was not only about Arthur's growth but Morgana's as well. But more to the audience, like a showcase to her current mentality. Morgana is more malicious than before, and will do anything to achieve her goal of becoming queen of Camelot. Not sure why, I thought she'd want revenge on Arthur more, but I guess being queen of a country full of magic fearing citizens is alright. I really hope this doesn't become a recurring plot line.

Overall the episode was interesting and let Arthur understand what it means to be king. And for fans of Arthur and Gwen there is moment or two to watch. Now before I discuss the next I want to introduce you to the Merlin-isms. What is Merlin-isms? Well its something I created from things I've notice Merlin do all the time. The first, is Merlin follows like a ninja. Well most of the time, but he always finds out the bad guy's schemes this way. The second is Merlin attempts to solve a problem with magic, but fails. Well that pretty much says it, but how many times has Merlin tried to help with magic but ended up making it worse? Lastly, the final Merlin-ism is Merlin always manages to save the day.

I have to say I am really looking forward to the next episode. Looking for some fun and laughs, this will be the episode. We are going to see the return of old Merlin again as well. Watch the preview below and see you next Monday.

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