So this episode was essentially about Bobby and we get a look into Bobby's past. We also see Sam and Dean dealing with the fact the Bobby might live or die. The number one obstacle this episode had to overcome was Season 2's In My Time of Dying and try not to be similar (which is a problem Supernatural is hitting right now this season). If you think about it, the episodes are similar; Dean wants to return to help his family. Bobby wants to return to Sam and Dean knowing they need him. Both are in comas, and aware they could die, but won't give up. What this episode did different is that Bobby is in his mind and is fighting to wake up and give Sam and Dean some important information. Gamble even throws in Rufus to help Bobby out on his mission.
It may not have had a creature to fight, but Supernatural give us a beautiful tale of a makeshift family that worries about each other. It even gives us moments of where Sam and Dean seem like normal brothers and not troubled young hunters. In the end Bobby manages to open his eyes, deliver his message and call the boys Idgits one more time before flat lining. It is still unknown whether Bobby is alive or not, but sadly I think this was Bobby's final moment. We'll see what happens when Supernatural returns January 6, 2012 with Adventures in Babysitting.
Top 5 Episode of Season 7
So I'm going to give you the 5 episodes so far, I think are the greatest moments of Season 7.
1. Meet The New Boss- Picking up right where season 6 left off, it set off with a bang. Castiel does a complete 180 on his personality and spares the boys. Moments later Sam remember hell and collapses. That just gave me chills and made me ask myself, "how is Sam going to survive?" Then Supernatural brings Death into the mix for a showdown with Castiel. Leviathans were also introduced this episode, and soon took over Castiel.
2. Hello Cruel World- This episode really dealt with Sam seeing hell and more specifically Lucifer. I was very surprised to see his return in the previous episode and welcomed it in this one. Lucifer really messes with Sam's head and makes him question reality. With this, it sort of draws up a wall between Sam and Dean. What made it really great was when Dean confronts Sam on how to figure out whats real and whats not using pain. Just when you think its over, Edgar shows up and beats Sam and Dean up. That episode left me on edge, and waiting for the next episode was brutal.
3. Slash Fiction - Written by a new writer to Supernatural, this episode had the boys cloned and on a murder spree. So Sam and Dean set out to catch the copies, not after visiting Frank. This episode delivered one of the best moments of season and it involved Dean passionately lip singing to "All Out of Love" by Air Supply. That scene was priceless and Sam's reaction to Dean's singing the song was even more. Although the episode ended on a sad note when Sam finds out that Dean killed Amy.
4. The Mentalists- Season 7 was desperately trying to make this season similar to Season 1. This episode was the closest they got to. Once again written by new writers to Supernatural, this episode had grasped the elements that Supernatural had back in its early days with Kripke. This episode also reunites Sam and Dean and eventually reconcile.
5. Death's Door- Even though Sam and Dean weren't the key characters in this episode, nor did anything get ganked, it was a good episode. This episode highlighted Bobby and his past. It also showed how much he cared for Sam and Dean like a father and was very proud of them. We also saw Dean become protective of Bobby. It was a nice way to send off Bobby and end the first half of the season.
Next week, I'll post a review of the whole season 7 so far. Also, remember to vote for Supernatural in the People's Choice awards. They're nominated twice. Go here to vote. In the honor of Bobby, a clip of his last scene.
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