Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Doctor Who "Robot of Sherwood": What Makes A Hero

So Robin Hood meets Doctor Who huh? If you are talking in terms of the tv series, no that didn't happen. With this week's episode Robot of Sherwood, the Doctor and Clara meet a very jolly Robin Hood. Robot of Sherwood was better than previous episodes, but I'm not getting a wow factor from it like I did in previous seasons. When I started watching Doctor Who, I was a fan of the genre and not the show. It feels like now that with Season 8 of Doctor Who, it has begun catering to the original fans of the series rather than the new ones. It's not that I don't like Capadli's Doctor at all, but more of I just can't get interested. Although it was interesting to see that there was still a silly side to the Doctor despite his old face.

Robot of Sherwood starts off with the Doctor and Clara hanging out in the Tardis and the Doctor gives Clara a chance to go anywhere she wants to go. Naturally she choose Robin Hood, who the Doctor claims isn't a real person. He is wrong when he discovers an arrow in the Tardis, and a figure claiming to be Robin Hood wanting the Tardis (or rather the mystery box) for himself. After a duel, Clara appear and is excited to see Robin Hood in person. Meeting the merry men, the Doctor begins to investigate whether they are real or not. Fast forward to a tournament where the Nottingham, Robin Hood, and the Doctor face off in a shooting contest. The Doctor reveals the sonic screwdriver and they are arrested by robot guards. They soon realize there is a bigger plan here than just taking gold.

There are some aspects of Robot of Sherwood that were good. First of all, big yay on new monsters this week. You really can see what makes the new Doctor verses things you haven't seen before. With creatures that have appeared before, the writer and actor have to take in account previous experiences when dealing with it. New creatures, you make it. I haven't mentioned this a lot but Clara has done an excellent job of keeping Doctor Who energetic and well being resourceful as well. Have I mentioned that Clara's outfit this week was beautiful? As for the Doctor, it's nice to see that he is still a bit immature and silly. Although debating whether thats a good thing or not. It was humorous to see him investigate the merry men to see if they were real. What was really interesting though was the fact that the Doctor doesn't believe in real heroes like Robin Hood, and he doesn't consider himself a hero. I guess this goes back to last week's question "Am I good man?"

There is just something about Robot of Sherwood that I just can't mark down as remarkable. I mean it is certainly better than Into the Dalek, but compared to other episodes, it doesn't stand out. Moffat has said that it is going to take us a while to learn about this new Doctor and all I'm gathering from what I'm seeing is that the Doctor has angry eyebrows, don't believe in heroes, and fights with a spoon. If I missed something please, feel free to point it out because I would like to understand this new doctor. I would like to enjoy Doctor Who again. As for Robot of Sherwood, it was a bit silly with the men conclusively laughing and the Doctor hating on Robot Hood because he was real. It was nice to see the Doctor still silly but I'm not sure if it works for Peter Capaldi's Doctor. In Tv.com's review of the episode, they point out that the writing style is still geared towards Matt Smith's Doctor and how he would deal with the situation, and I can almost imagine it happening.

I want to like Doctor Who again and have a good time watching it. Robot of Sherwood was a decent episode, but I have seen better episodes of Doctor Who. I hope that Doctor Who can became like it once was back in previous seasons, or I'm not sure if I can watching. As I mentioned above, I am not a true fan of Doctor Who, but rather a fan of the genre. I am not a true science fiction fan which is why I am probably not enjoying it as much. Anyways I have hopes for next week as the promo did look quite interesting with this whole monsters under the bed vibe. Later.

What do you think of the direction that Doctor Who is heading? What was your favorite part of Robot of Sherwood?

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