Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Doctor Who "Listen": Now This Is What We Needed

You know, for the last few weeks I have been writing about how Doctor Who is losing my interest and how the material is not what Peter Capaldi needs to become a good Doctor. I was just about to stop watching until Listen aired. I actually missed watching it on television and was able to watch on space.ca and I am glad I did. I had read that Listen was a excellent episode and that is what made me give it a chance. They weren't wrong as Listen was such an amazing episode and I finally got a sense for Capaldi's Doctor. This is what they should have started with. Something that grabs the audience in and makes them want to stay along for the ride. I know I do now. What really made Listen interesting was how basic the story was. How it was the common fear of something under the bed or out in the dark. In addition to weaving the Doctor, Clara, and the later companion Danny Pink together. Now this is why I watch Doctor Who.

So Listen began with a monologue from the Doctor about something that is excellent at hiding, but how would you know about it. At first I thought it was a bit cheesy, but that only lasted seconds when it really got deep and meaningful, in addition to be attention grabbing. In present day, Clara and Danny finally have their first date which seems to be going fine until an argument break out and Clara leaves. She soon discovers the Doctor in her bedroom, asking for her help. He tells her about his theory of something is actually there under your bed and in the darkness. The Doctor gets Clara to use the telepathic drive on the Tardis to go back to her childhood, and Clara accidentally sends them to Danny's childhood instead. Who knows what they will find in the dark.

I love a good thrill ride as anyone, and when it's done right like Listen was, it makes watching so enjoyable. In addition when it connects events like it did with Listen and the Doctor Who timeline. It is always a thrill when Doctor Who takes a common fear people have and just drive into it. Makes it seem like it could be actually real. What was neat about Listen was that you never actually saw the creature itself. Or a description. It was just the thing under your bed or in the corner of your eye. Kinda like the Silence. Listen humanized the Doctor as well. Clara really stepped up this week as she really did play a big role with her using her own skills to save the day. Not to mention having a life outside the Tardis. More importantly, I know what kind of man the Doctor is. He is a mad man with a box who doesn't like hugs. Man, it has been awhile since I got excited about a Doctor Who episode.

So what Listen didn't work or I just didn't like? Well all round, Listen was a good episode and I'm not about to look the gift horse in the mouth. Well the only thing that comes to mind is the whole Danny Pink thing. I heard he is another companion or something like that. So when is he going to join the gang? Also, didn't Clara move fast with him? Just saying. Another note, do kids normally seem that calm when people walk into their rooms? Children, if an grown up person walks into your room at night, don't be so chill about it.

So Doctor Who, you got be on board again for the ride with Listen. As I mentioned in weeks before, I am a fan of a good story and that is what brought me to like Doctor Who in the first place. At least not Doctor Who is in a good place story wise and hopefully can keep it like this for the rest of the season. Such a shame though it took 4 weeks to get to this point. So I'm ready for this new version of the Doctor and Clara who is a hero in her own right. I love how they brought up that the Doctor shouldn't travel without a companion, and that kinda reminded me of the Ponds. Let's see what next week brings.

What do you think of Listen? What was your favorite moment?

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