Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Doctor Who "Into the Dalek": Anger Issues

So that was an interesting episode of Doctor Who with Into the Dalek, and it really is going into a Dalek. I still think that with the whole new Doctor thing going on that Doctor Who should have brought in a new creature of some sort for the Doctor to discover and learn. Into the Dalek felt a bit like the love child of something like Asylum of the Daleks (the Clara Dalek) and Let's Kill Hitler (the little people in the robot). It was interesting to see though how they depicted the inside of a Dalek and what makes them tick. The question of is the Doctor is a good man is a very interesting and good question. We as the viewers always see the Doctor as this hero no matter what incarnation he is, but he has made a lot of enemies along the way. Into the Dalek really brings this issue up and shows us a example to base this thought on.

Into the Dalek starts up with the Doctor saving a woman from a Dalek attack and brings her back to her ship. There they ask him to save a very different patient, a Dalek. Elsewhere we meet potential new character of Danny Pink, who looks to be Clara's new love interest now that Matt Smith is gone. They flirt, he turns her down, and regrets it, but she gets her drink. Heading to a storage closet, she finds the Doctor with three weeks late coffee claiming he needs her help. Inside the Tardis he asks her if he is a good man, and she replies she doesn't know. The Doctor takes Clara to the ship with the "good" Dalek in need of his help and Clara convinces him to help it. Taking a team inside the Dalek the Doctor gets a new view of the Daleks and makes new discoveries.

 Despite the pace of Into the Dalek, there are some good points to it that really make you think and can arc over the season. I really like the fact that Doctor Who brought up the question of is the Doctor a good man? This is a question that can be applied to all the Doctors that have come and gone. Was Smith's and Tennant's Doctors good or bad? It is true there is a darkness inside the Doctor and we have seen it come out once and a while throughout the years. We also saw this when the Doctor confronted the Dalek on the good of the universe. Like Clara said though, the Doctor does try to be good though, but he has made a lot of enemies over the years. The same can be said for the allies and friends he has made too.This brings me to the issue the Doctor has with soldiers. I'm pretty sure it has to do with something from older seasons, but I like to believe it's because it represents something he doesn't want to be. Going inside the Dalek was cool-ish as well.

Now Into the Dalek was not my favorite episode and as a second episode for the new Doctor I feel it should have been stronger. From my experience with Doctor Who, the new Doctor always begins his second episode with a new creature of sorts. In Eccleston as the Doctor he first faced robots and a bunch of aliens in his first two episodes (Rose, The End of the World). In Tennant's first episodes he faced robot Santas, and cat people (The Christmas Invasion, New Earth). When Matt Smith came on board as the Doctor he faced the Atraxi and Smilers (The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below). Now Capaldi he faces the flesh stealing robots from The Girl in the Fireplace, and Dalek in his first two episodes. I honestly think if they had this episode later on in the season it might have been more in place, and Doctor Who introduced something new to the Doctor. There is a trend which seems to be very successful. It didn't help that Into the Dalek wasn't a very interesting episode to being with either. It felt slow and odd at times. I also feel that I didn't learn much of this new Doctor either other than he gets distracted sometimes.

Doctor Who has 11 more episodes to get it right this season and make us love this new Doctor. We can just shift Into the Dalek into the forgettable episodes of the season. Every season has one of those no? Although the new companion of Danny Pink seems interesting so I looking forward to seeing how that plays out. As for that strange lady who seems to be tied into whatever crazy arc Moffat has come up with, I honestly don't have a clue who or what she is. Yes this means I take back last week's theory of River Song. See you all next week.

What is your opinion of Into the Dalek? Do you think the Doctor should have faced something new?

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