Monday, September 22, 2014

Doctor Who "Time Heist": Go Team Not Dead

I am so glad that Doctor Who didn't loose it's momentum from last week's episode and now it has finally found it's footing. Although did it have to take so long? Time Heist, despite being a bit cliche, was still a good thrill ride and episode. Time Heist though was the final piece I needed to accept Peter Capaldi's Doctor, and I officially like him now (Matt Smith you're still my favorite). I feel like I understand this new version better and this is The Doctor and not someone filling in. Time Heist though was not a major plot point for Doctor Who, as it took a break from the main arc. But hey, its not the show it was a few weeks ago.

So Time Heist kicked off with the Doctor at Clara talking about world about they could visit while she is getting ready for another date with Pink. Then the Tardis phone rings which makes the Doctor curious and answers claiming nothing happens if he answers the phone. Suddenly they are in a room with two other people with no memory of how they got there and what is happening. They discover they have been gathered by the "architect " to rob the most secure bank in universe. Teaming up with Psi (hacker with a mirco chip in his brain), and Saibra (a mutated human who can turn into other people). Heading into the bank, they see the bank's security called the Teller, a being who can turn people's brain into soup. With much on the line, the group break into the bank not knowing what their prize is.

Time Heist was by all means a decent episode of Doctor Who. The reason why we watch television is to take our mind off reality for an hour and obsess about stuff that doesn't exist. Or you're just a casual viewer and you watch to kill time, which is not wrong either. Time Heist was one of those Doctor Who episode where anyone could turn it on and enjoy. You don't need to know much about Doctor Who to watch Time Heist. It was simple, fun, and adventurous. Which is all you really need on a good Saturday evening. The story kept you on your toes as it did the rest of the characters. Psi and Saibra were interesting characters as well instead of the usual forgettable characters. Time Heist has great one liners as well. My personal favorite is, "it's the eyebrows basically". Moffat also threw some Sherlock references in there as well, although I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not. Not gonna give them away, but the obvious "everyone shut up" scene is a little hint hint, nudge nudge.

So, Time Heist, is it the episode season 8 of Doctor Who deserves? Despite the fun nature of the episode, Time Heist doesn't do much for the main arc. It's a one off episode. Pure filler. Unless you want to talk about the 30 seconds Danny Pink showed up as continuity. Although I'm not too bothered about it since I'm still confused about the main arc itself anyways. Then there is the common plot point tv shows do with their characters robbing a bank that seems almost impossible to crack. Well either that or they get caught up in a bank robbery. Obviously the impossible bank didn't plan for time lords.

Overall I did enjoy Time Heist as I felt it was much better than previous episodes of Doctor Who. It just makes me wonder why it took so long to get to these decent episodes. For 13 episodes a season, you really shouldn't screw around and just get to business. Like Sleepy Hollow did in it's first season. This also brings me to my point I made earlier how newer creatures are better when bringing a new Doctor in since it gives them a chance to show what they are made of. These last two episodes are proof of that. So next week they are going to give Danny Pink his episode and we'll see how he is going to fit in as a companion.

Did you enjoy Time Heist? What was your favorite moment?

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