Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Supernatural "Captives": Saving Mrs. Tran

Welcome back Supernatural after the Olympic break. This week it returns with Captives as familiar faces return to Supernatural for some closure. In fact, I have to point out that despite the fact that Captives didn't touch on the main arc of season very much, it was such a great episode as it played to it's strengths. Mainly, the Winchesters putting their shit aside to help someone, this someone being Kevin. Remember him? Ever since Supernatural decided to kill Kevin off (why did you do that again? Oh to give Dean some guilt),  it has spent the last few episodes poking at the wound as much as possible. To a point where it started getting annoying. It is good though to remember the fallen instead of writing them off, and furthermore tying up loose ends like the Tran story. Captives reunited the boys with Kevin's ghost asking them to find his mother, who could possible be alive. Meanwhile, Castiel deals with some angel politics.

Captives wasted no time like usual episodes by building up the story as the Winchesters begin to notice ghost haunting signs around the bunker. Not only that, but the ghost haunting the bunker is no other than Kevin Tran, who had recently died there. Thank you Supernatural for not dragging that out. Kevin soon makes his re-appearance by complaining about Dean's speeches and demands that the Winchesters find his mother. Remember how Crowley dropped earlier in the season that she was actually alive? While Kevin heard from the ghost vine that she was still alive somewhere, and asked the Winchesters to investigate and talk to a ghost called Candy. And no, shes not a stripper (you were thinking it). When they talk to Candy, she reveals that she was held captive by some people (Crowley and his demon henchman) and was in the room next to Linda Tran. Although, since Candy was killed she was unsure what Mrs. Tran's status was. Elsewhere, Castiel is investigating the angel deaths when he is grabbed by Bartholomew's men (which the internet calls Bart). Instead of killing Castiel, Bart tries to convince Castiel to join his cause.

Captives was such an great episode that really brought out what we love about Supernatural while not really developing the main arc very much. In fact, I can say that this was probably a filler episode since it really only had Castiel searching for Metatron. Captives also added up the anti for the general situation of the world right now with heaven being closed. Not only angels can't get in, but nor can souls. Which means there is going to be a lot more ghost hauntings around. It bring an opportunity though to briefly bring back Kevin Tran. We all missed Kevin and his death was just so tragic. Captives was a way though to close up the Kevin Tran storyline though instead of leaving it out in the open. They are doing this a lot recently, tying up plot for recurring characters. It was nice to see Kevin again, even if he was a ghost. It was even better when Kevin called the boys out on their recent shit. Someone needs to, and who better than Kevin? The Castiel side story was a good one this week too as he was looking into the angel deaths and Bart tried to convince Cas to join his side. This in a way is very Season 6 like back when Castiel was warring against Raphael for free will. The situation is becoming similar as angels are looking to the rebel and wanting to follow someone. Although, now Castiel is smarter and knows not to let it go to his head. Or at least I hope so.

 Now Captives was just a fantastic episode, but we can't overlook a few loopholes. First, obviously the promo was misleading in some ways as there was no sign of Crowley and no Snooki sightings, but I really don't care about that. What is it with promos and adding more to it than there is. Although it does make sense since Captives airs weeks after Supernatural went on hiatus for the Olympics. Storywise, the Candy plot was a bit soft and slow. Also, Candy was a lame name and my head thought, "stripper?" To my credit, in Supernatural's past, it has used names like that for strippers. This is just me though. As for Bart, I wonder if the writers thought he outlived his usefulness and thought of a better villain like perhaps Gadreel? Makes sense, we all kinda hate him right now. No one kills Kevin and gets away with it.

So season 9, can we please continue with the level of Captives please? That was a good solid episode of storytelling and a good hour of television. Made me fall in love with Supernatural all over again. It was great to see Kevin again and Supernatural giving him an ending that sent him off with a good memory other than being killed due to Dean's mistake. I want to remember Kevin with a smile instead of tears, although it still makes me sad. Kevin deserves it at least. I hope Castiel doesn't let all this angel politics go to his head and does something right for once. He has kinda been the scapegoat for a bit now. Next week the Ghostfacers return! You heard me, they are back! See you guys next week.

Do you think Captives gave Kevin a good send off? What do you think of Castiel's arc?

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