Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Supernatural "#Thinman": Lies and Forgiveness....Or Not

As you all have heard now, the Ghostfacers are back and they are probably the last remaining characters who have lasted this long on Supernatural. #Thinman was their comeback since their disappearance since like season 4 and shine a light on Sam and Dean's problem in a way. To be honest, #Thinman really lacked in what could have been a decent episode of Supernatural. Yes, the Ghostfacers were up to their usual antics, but I wasn't laughing as much as I was back in season 1 and 3. The true importance of #Thinman though was the relationship between Harry and Ed and how much it contrasts with the Winchester's at the moment. In addition to the question, "what would you do to keep the person you care about to stay with you?". Also, I'm pretty sure that Thinman was just Supernatural's version of Slenderman. Actually I'm positive.

So #Thinman starts off with a teenage girl taking selfies when Thinman appears in her room murdering her. Dean catches word of the case and heads out on his own, but Sam tags along for the case. As they are interviewing the mother, they notice she knows about the signs of a ghost and she tells them about the other men who come in on the case. The other men being The Ghostfacers, Harry and Ed. The Winchesters find the two in a local diner while they were discussing the Thinman case. Dean basically threatens to shoot them if they don't leave the case alone. When the second death occurs, the Ghostfacers appear on the scene, and threaten to out the Winchester's fake FBI status if Dean leaves them alone. Dean doesn't want to believe that this Thinman exists and looks for ghost signs, but finds none. All evidence points to this Thinman, and it needs to be stopped.

Much as #Thinman wasn't a strong episode of Supernatural, there was an good underlying message that tapped into the Winchesters' main issues they have been having. It came in a metaphor of the Ghostfacers Ed and Harry. We really don't know what has happened to them to get to this point, but #Thinman painted them in a similar situation as Sam and Dean. One person holding onto the other so they won't be alone. Last week, Kevin practically told the boys to get their shit together and thats not what they did. Much as I would love Sam and Dean to make up, it is realistic that Sam is still angry with Dean about allowing a murderous angel inside him to save him. It is the Winchester way to save each other though. When the issue was brought up with the characters, Sam and Dean couldn't even try to help solve the situation since they were in the same predicament themselves. On the more positive side, there were some nice little moments, and if I had to pick my favorite line of the night, it would have to be "punched right in the feels." I'm pretty sure thats gonna be a very popular gif. There was also that beautiful moment where Sam and Dean reminisced about their childhood. Oh you boys.

I don't know why, but I was not a fan of #Thinman. It was like it wasn't Supernatural and just clinging to old things it hadn't killed off yet. With season 9, it feel like Supernatural is loosing a bit of steam in it's life, which it kills me to say. Season 8 was such a success and there was very few episodes I didn't care for or got bored with. It felt like Supernatural was trying to live on it's past successes with the Ghostfacers. I mean, where were the witty one liners and nerd references? All I got was the Winchester's annoyance at seeing them again, which is understandable. As for Thinman, well that was a disappointment other than it's Slenderman reference. #Thinman was just an episode to bring relationship issues up to the audience to make them think about it and understand the Winchester's problem.

I feel like I'm hating on Supernatural right now, and #Thinman isn't helping. I just know Supernatural is better than this and Season 8 proved that. Season 9 has been a series of ups and downs in my opinion. I have hope for Supernatural though and then there is always season 10 since it has been renewed. As for the Ghostfacers, it was nice to see them again, and maybe next time with crazy antics. My favorite episode with them has to be Ghostfacers. Supernatural, use your characters wisely instead of filling space. Next week, hopefully Supernatural will be back on track. That and the Winchesters listen to Kevin's wisdom and work things out.

What do you think of the Ghostfacers return? What did you think of the comparisons between the Winchesters and the Ghostfacers?

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