Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Supernatural "Heaven Can't Wait": Well Hello Again Steve, I Mean Castiel

Heaven Can't Wait was an interesting episode for Supernatural as it developed two characters of opposite ends dealing with major changes in their lives. I'm talking about Crowley and Steve Castiel, who both are no longer who they were back in season 8. Crowley was almost made human and is losing his empire he built up after Lucifer was caged up. Castiel is still adapting to being a human and all the challenges that come with it. Heaven Can't Wait shows our favorite characters still have some changes left in them worth telling. Although this week it felt like Supernatural lost a bit of it's humor as it relied a gags to move it along as well as the Castiel story of his journey as Steve the sales associate. Leaving Kevin and Sam in the bunker to get info out of Crowley. Sounds like another filler episode to me. Although I hear Destiel shippers are having a field day with Heaven Can't Wait.

So Heaven Can't Wait begins off with our first victim of the week while he is thinking about committing suicide and the moment he puts those thoughts away, something else comes to finish it. Elsewhere, Steve Castiel is working in a gas station when he sees the news of the recent killings. This is when he gives Dean a call about it, who with Sam and Kevin are about to sit down to do some serious research on dead languages. Sounds fun right? Dean didn't think so since he decided to skip out on the research and check out the case Castiel handed to him. Although Dean does suggest to Sam that they use Crowley in the other room for information. Arriving on scene, Dean notices pink stuff all over the room which he finds out is basically everything that makes a human. So Dean seeks out help in Castiel, who now goes by the name Steve and working at a gas station. Dean convinces Castiel to tag along where Castiel sees from the pink splatter from an Ephram kill. Freaked Castiel asks to leave and resume his new human life. Elsewhere, Kevin and Sam negotiate for Crowley's help on figuring out the footnotes of the angel tablet in order to figure out how to reverse the spell on the angels.

There was somethings about Heaven Can't Wait that made the episode enjoyable to watch and not a total waste of time. Obviously our favorite not an angel anymore Steve Castiel is back and continuing to discover how to be human. Hopefully it's a learning curve. There is nothing more amusing (other than Ichabod from Sleepy Hollow) to watch than Castiel learning new things and doing everyday stuff. Especially his new name of Steve is just as amusing. In a way, Castiel was our hero of the hour as he did everyday stuff, even going as far as taking care of a baby. I'm pretty sure from now on Misha Collins is going to be asked questions about singing and that many fangirls made it their ringtones. It was very funny to see Dean give Castiel dating advice since Castiel "thought" he was going on a date (poor Cas). What I think would be a cool path for Cas for go down on is the hunter path, since he already has the knowledge and skill for it. You don't have to be an angel to be a hunter, which he proved when he tried to draw an angel banishment spell. Although would that get rid of him too, or is Castiel too human to be affected by it? Now let's talk Crowley and the changes he is going through this week. He is desperately clinging to what used to be his empire and with his imprisonment he is losing it, and we see the effects of everything going on. It was amusing to see Crowley throw the paper at Sam. It's the little things that make you smile.

I can't say that Heaven Can't Wait was my favorite episode of season 9. In fact, Heaven Can't Wait isn't the strongest episode of season 9. I really feel that the plot of the story moved a little slow for Supernatural standards. Usually Supernatural episodes move a bit faster and have this tone to them that make it fall in with the bunch. Maybe it's Supernatural's way of getting us used to stories less Winchester in it. Even the Crowley B story was slow, and it really thanks to Mark Sheppard, Osric Chau and Jared Padalecki that it even worked. It did pay off in the end, but seriously how did he get that? To sum it up, Heaven Can't Wait was an all round "Meh" episode. As least Castiel didn't hook up again, because we saw how it ended up last time.

I'm not sure what you're opinion of Heaven Can't Wait it, but Supernatural has seen better days. It wasn't a terrible episode, but it wasn't up to standard either. Sorry Steve Castiel. Although I can see Heaven Can't Wait lead to better things like Crowley being yet again another potential ally, and Castiel possibly becoming a hunter. Come on you know you want the return of Castiel the hunter. Which reminds me, I haven't talk about Kevin yet but Heaven Can't Wait just saw him make angry faces at Crowley and that's not a smart use for his character. Although who doesn't love sassy Kevin? Later.

Did you like Castiel as Steve? How you think Crowley got that item?

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