Thursday, April 4, 2013

Supernatural "Taxi Driver": Sam Is On the Highway To Hell

I think it was obvious at this point that Bobby was returning this week on Supernatural, as Taxi Driver saw Sam taking on the second trial. You have seen people on tumblr trying to figure it out who it was saving, but after seeing the back of the character, most of us knew it was Bobby. Some thought it was Adam, but sorry, no. Jake Abel is a movie star now. Anyways, Taxi Driver I felt gave me more questions in the end and made me question some of the characters. I feel like Supernatural is slowly pulling one over me and I'm not going to see whatever they have planned happening. Or it could really fall on Supernatural's face I'll be ticked. Anyways, this week's episode was a good one and it was everything promised to the fans.

So Taxi Driver began with our favorite prophet Kevin Tran, who was being mentally harassed by Crowley, who is currently looking for Kevin. When the Winchesters arrive, Kevin is hiding in the closet claiming it to be safer, and informs the brothers they he has figured out the second trial. In order to complete the second trial, Sam must rescue an innocent soul from hell and return it to heaven. So the next order of business is to figure out how to get to hell without Crowley knowing. So they head to a crossroads, with a giant devil's trap and summon themselves a crossroads demon to question. After some dousing in holy water, the demon reveals that there is a rogue reaper named Ajay who can get people in and out of hell for a price. When they find Ajay, he tells them he can get them in for a favor, and  mentions that he was the one who brought Bobby's soul down to hell upon Crowley's request. So Dean tries to go with Sam, but Sam tells Dean that he has to go alone and do the trail. So Sam leaves with Ajay and Dean goes to check on Kevin. Sam is surprised though when he finds out that the secret way in is through Purgatory.

If Taxi Driver was anything, it was really emotional for fans as Supernatural decided it would be fun to play with our hearts. There is the whole Bobby is back thing, which is a real treat in itself. God I have missed Bobby and I was afraid that Supernatural was gonna pull a fake out with us. They didn't, and for a moment we got our beloved Bobby back (missed you Bobby!). Like in previous episode in reminding the boys of the trials, Sam is still getting kicked for not looking for Dean, which is amusing. It is even better hearing it from Bobby. Did I mention I'm happy to see Bobby again? I'm also glad to see Kevin, as he is always such a great character, and is essential to the Winchesters' success. I mean, only Kevin could get away with taking Dean's pie. We could create a hashtag for whenever Dean mentions pie (#Deanspie perhaps). Now that I think about it, Taxi Driver was really about Supernatural's characters working with their established relationships to push the story forward. Kevin, Bobby and Benny all helped Taxi Driver move along in the way the writers had intended. I am also going to have to mention that new version of hell looks really creepy and cool (I do like the convention line version better).

Now much as Taxi Driver really moved me emotionally, with the plot it seemed to lack in certain areas. Like first, what kind of title is Taxi Driver? Supernatural has always had great titles to their episodes that had relevance to the episode itself (eg Scarecrow, there was an god pretending to be a scarecrow and eating people). Only thing Taxi Driver refers to is the reaper that help Sam. I'm not a writer so I don't know a better name for it. Speaking of the reaper, it seemed too easy that there was a back door to hell and this reaper conveniently knew it. Not to mention, wouldn't Death not tolerate rouge reapers? Back on hell, before it was very hard to get in and out of via our experiences with season 3 & 5 (maybe 6?). I mean, freaking angels had to lift the boys out, and somehow the this knowledge that reapers could do it too was just floating about? Now let's talk about Bobby, much as I love seeing him again, it felt like the writers wanted an excuse to bring him back and then pull him away as soon as we were happy to see him again. Taxi Driver saw a careless use of yet another character Benny, but in a way, I do kinda agree with what happened. Sad to see Benny go though.

With all that said, I do like Taxi Driver and bringing Bobby back, for just a moment.  But before I go, I want to bring up some theories. First Naomi, is she good or bad? Due to what she did to Cas I want to believe she is bad, but there is a slight possibility she could be telling the truth (like 5% chance). It could be true that Castiel's mind is broken (sorry Cas fans) and that we are seeing what he thinks he is seeing. Think about it, Dean thought he let go of Cas when in reality Castiel pushed away. Could be wrong though. Next on Kevin, did Crowley fix the windows after really grabbing Kevin, or was it all in Kevin's head? In 3 weeks Felicia Day is back with a Supernatural video game themed episode. We only have to survive hellatus.

Were you glad to see Bobby back? What's your theory on Naomi? What's your theory on what happened to Kevin?

PS- Did anyone notice a certain devil's trap from a certain video?

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