Monday, February 13, 2012

Merlin- Servant of Two Masters Review

Morgana has captured Merlin
We're about halfway through Merlin now, and the plot points that will drive this season to its finale are set in motion. This episode was meant to be a humorous episode and it was if you didn't ruin it for yourself like I did. So hint hint, don't watch a head, not even if the clips sounds like it could be interesting to watch. Now back to business.

So after her failure in the previous episode, Morgana makes another attempt at Arthur's life, but ends up with an injured Merlin. You know, Merlin, the servant who didn't dodge the mace coming at him, and appeared not to have a scratch, but was injured. I know BBC isn't big on special effects, but come on, let Merlin's clothing get ripped. So she decides to enchant Merlin to kill Arthur. Little did she know that Merlin without being Merlin is a complete buffoon. Which is quite entertaining to watch. Lucky for Arthur, Gaius and Gwen realize that Merlin isn't Merlin and go to stop Merlin. Insert Gwen hitting Merlin with jugs and rendering him unconscious.

Old Merlin makes another appearance in this episode, as he goes to pay Morgana a visit. It is funny to see Morgana see her doom in her hut and run away. Although she isn't a little cowering bunny for long as she and Merlin engage in battle. When Merlin knocks her down, Morgana tell Merlin that magic isn't welcome in Arthur's kingdom, but when she is queen she'll make magic free again. Good thing Merlin didn't believe a word of it. But Morgana has stated to the audience what she truly wants, but then again, we already know that. In Camelot, Arthur knows that there is betrayal afoot, but not the right mastermind. Although its not a bad quality, Arthur is very trusting which is why Agravaine can get out of being under suspicion. We can expect to see that play out next episode. Speaking of that, other than working together to get the kingdom, what kind of relation does Morgana and Agravaine have?

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