The Good
So lets look on the positive side of what Season 7 is doing. Season 7 opened with Meet The New Boss, which I have to say is one of the strongest openings Supernatural has had over the years. You could practically feel the helplessness with Sam's situation and Castiel going to the dark side. Not to mention Dean having no idea what to do about it.
One element I was really looking forward to seeing was Sam's hell which was showcased in the episode Hello Cruel World and it was intense. I mean, how do you deal with hell? Sam was so broken that he was seeing Lucifer, and Lucifer was just messing with Sam the whole time. It is assumed throughout the show that Sam is still seeing Lucifer after this episode.
Supernatural still know how to make us laugh. One moment that stood out from the rest was from Slash Fiction when Dean passionately lip sang to All Out Of Love by Air Supply. That has to be one of the top funniest moments on Supernatural among the Teddy Bear from Wishful Thinking, and I'm batman from Bad Day At Black Rock. And thats just the tip of the iceberg, Supernatural manages to have one of these moments every season. Another moment was when Dean was high from the Turdreden (however you spell it), and boy that was a sight to see.
The moments between Sam and Dean make the show worth watching. Season 7 has delivered us great scenes between Sam and Dean. Like Dean confronting a crazed Sam and helping Sam figure out whats real. There is also great moments with Bobby like when Dean calls Bobby and tells him how hes really feeling. In addition to when Bobby is in the hospital and both boys aren't handling it well. Dean is pissed as hell and Sam is on the verge slipping back into his memories of it.
The Bad
There is a few things about Season 7 that doesn't seem to work and I find myself wondering "Why?"
Episodes like Shut Up, Dr. Phil and Season 7, Time For A Wedding had promised to be funny episodes like seasons come to past. Yes they had their moments, but for me they were taking themselves a more seriously than it should have been. Sure its funny that Sam and Dean helped put a marriage back together while beaten up, but no longer moments stood out for me. What happened to episodes like Clap Your Hands If You Believe? Or just complete ridiculous stories like The French Mistake?
As I mentioned before I wanted to see more of Sam's hell, but only time it was showcased was in Meet The New Boss and Hello Cruel World. Only times it was referenced was when Sam used the scar on his hand to come to sanity. It appears that Sam is functioning just fine. Castiel told Dean that if Sam's soul was returned, Sam could be a drooling mess in Caged Heat. I know it wouldn't be nice to see a Sam like that, but I would like to see something like Sam talking to himself under his breath or something.
Season 7 has its potential, the writers just need to find a way to use it.
Looking Forward
After the encounter Dick and Dean had in Death's Door, I think we should expect to see a hell bent Dean out to destroy the Leviathans. I hope we'll see them looking deeper than normal to find a way to get rid of the Leviathans. I also think there is a much larger plan for the Leviathan rather than they just want to eat people. Like turn earth into a paradise for Leviathan kind or world domination. Also think we're going to see more of Sam's hell (thats my one true wish this Christmas season).
Also did you hear? Misha Collins is returning as Castiel, but slightly different. Merry Christmas you guys. I'll post on the first Wednesday of January on the next episode Adventures in Babysitting.
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