Supernatural returns this week with its final episode of the year (for those who have been screaming WHAT?! It will return in January). SPOILER ALERT.
So as of last episode, Bobby was shot by Richard Roman and is now fighting for his life. So this episode will be Bobby centric and we will get a glimpse into Bobby's past. So we will see a young Bobby along side his father and mother. Jim Beaver also tweeted a picture of himself with his on screen dad and wife. So it is assumed that we will see Karen Singer once more. In addition, for those who saw the promotional images, we see that Rufus Turner is back and by guessing from the summary hes going to help Bobby in some way.
Gotta say, I'm a bit afirad on how the show will go. Remember how in the beginning of the season Sera Gamble told us that Sam and Dean are going to be striped of everything and are forced to hide and figure things. They (the writers) have killed off former ally Castiel is dead (some argue not). They have burned Bobby's house down and all Bobby's books. They have put the Impala away due to unwanted FBI attention. Dean can no longer use Rock aliases without drawing attention. Sam is seeing hell and is fine for now. Add that with the possibility that Bobby might die, and Sam and Dean really have nothing left. Only questions left is will they kill Bobby off (hopefully no), and what will happen next? Supernatural, its time to show us what your made of.
Top 5 Bad Ass (pardon my language) Moments
Now to countdown the top 5 badass moments of Season 7 so far.
1. In The Mentalists when Dean fights off a ghost with an iron chain. Its new and its awesome. Why haven't they used it before?
2. In How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters when Bobby shots the creature out of a tree with his eyes closed and one shot. Even Sam and Dean were shocked.
3. In Slash Fiction when Dean quickly takes down the Leviathan disguised as Sam.
4. In The Mentalists when Sam is fighting Jimmy Tomorrow. Realizing he can't talk Jimmy out of it, he shoots Jimmy and burns the bones. For Sam, this is his best badass moment of Season 7.
5. In Meet The New Boss when Castiel in standing in the middle of about a hundred defeated angels. Come on, Castiel needs a badass moment and whats more badass than killing a bunch of angels without breaking a sweat?
Next week, Top 5 episode of Season 7 so far. Late clip release, here you go.
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