Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Doctor Who "Kill the Moon": I Doctor, You Human

There are some of you who like Kill the Moon, and then theres me who thinks Kill the Moon was a bit too ambitious. But it did have a purpose in the end. We have seen over the years how the Doctor interacts with humans, with him being this all knowledgeable Time Lord. We saw Danny call the Doctor out on this very issue. Which brings us to the question posed at the being of the season if the Doctor is a good man. The whole idea though of destroying the moon or that the moon is something completely else is a bit silly. Or it is to me.When you start watching a tv show, you begin loving a certain aspect of it, and for me it comes and goes. This is probably because I'm not a true Doctor Who fan. I like watching it, but it's not my most favorite show out there. Kill the Moon is not the worst episode I have seen so far though.

Kill the Moon started off with Clara making an SOS call to the moon since the Doctor had left them to make a big decision. Back in time, Clara is yelling at the Doctor for calling the girl he brought last episode onto the Tardis and telling her she is not special. Clara tries to get the Doctor to tell the girl is special but he elects to bring her to the moon instead. There they find a bunch of astronauts trying to blow up the moon since it's about to burst and cause damage to the earth below. Visiting a space station and jumping down something later, the Doctor informs the group that the moon is actually an egg about to hatch. So they have to decide one life for many others, and the Doctor decides that he can't be the one to make this decision. He leaves that decision in the hands of humans.

Kill the Moon did a great job to developing the characters. This season we really have been seeing Clara grow in her place and in a way outshines the Doctor. In a way, she has been carrying the season itself with her interaction with this new Doctor. She has always known the Doctor to be this savior of sorts, but seeing a side of him that places himself above humans is something she didn't expect. In a way this side of the Doctor has never been said out loud but given hints about. The Doctor has always made comments about "humans" and such. Moffat wasn't kidding when he said this Doctor was going to be darker, and Capaldi is doing a fine job of bringing this Doctor out. It was about time though that Clara called the Doctor out on his crap. To see the Doctor as the flawed hero he always was.

Now I didn't enjoy Kill the Moon as much as Doctor Who would have wanted me to. Even from the promo I was worried about what kind of episode Kill the Moon would be. Wasn't terrible, but isn't the best either. I just couldn't get on board the whole the moon is actually a giant egg thing. I mean no egg is that round, even an alien one. They didn't even explain what kind of egg it was and what was inside it. It had just so happened that it created an gravity pull that the moon does? That was a bit too weird for me. And in the end everything is solved. As for you Doctor, not cool bailing out like that. In addition what did the Doctor do when he took off? Think about it. Where did he go?

Anyways Kill the Moon did set up a change for next week's episode. Kill the Moon did help the arc though of Clara and the Doctor and their relationship post regeneration. Not to mention the question posed at the beginning of the season of if the Doctor is a good man. This new Doctor really brings this into question. Other Doctors before were fun and energetic. Since Capaldi is an older fellow, he brings a darkness (and eyebrows) to the character. For next week, it looks like the Doctor is traveling alone again, and maybe he will discover something about himself.

Did you like Kill the Moon? Do you think Clara was right to call the Doctor out?

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