Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Supernatural "Mother's Little Helper": Feeling Like Supernatural Again

First of all, big round of applause for Misha Collins on his Supernatural directing debut with Mother's Little Helper! Such a great episode, and that is what Supernatural should be. Not once was I bored watching Mother's Little Helper as I hung on every little detail it feed me. This was the boost that Supernatural needed to move past it's slump of random episodes to help ease the passage of time. This week Supernatural took a look into the past bringing back Henry Winchester and his before Abbadon partner. It was a real nice blend between the present and the past as case linked together from then and now to as well as the main arc itself. In addition, Dean deals with his experience with the first blade and Crowley who is determined to send Dean on a path to Abbadon. I did mention last week how I was looking forward to seeing how the effects on Dean the first blade had. Man, Mother's Little Helper was good. Supernatural why can't you be like this most of the time?

Mother's Little Helper starts off when a teacher comes home and bashes her husband's head in for no apparent reason than him not liking her meatloaf. Or is it? Sam catches word of the case and checks to see if Dean wants to tag along on the case. Dean tells Sam he'd rather stay in the bunker and look for Abbadon. But in reality, Dean just plans to drink in order to help him cope with his recent experience with the first blade. When Sam arrives in town and gets the gist of what happened, the teacher kills herself in her cell, but not before leaving bloody words written all over the walls. Sam soon meets a lady who claims it is demon's work and knows about the existence of the Men of Letters. In addition to how this case was very similar to one that Henry Winchester and Josie had worked many years before. Meanwhile, Dean hits a bar since his stash at the bunker ran out and Crowley walks in. Crowley needs Dean back on his game to find Abbadon in order to put an end to her once and for all.

It really has been a while since Supernatural has felt like Supernatural. Mother's Little Helper was a great episode and helped pulled season 9 out it's current slump for the moment. Hopefully the moment lasts the rest of the season. As for Misha's directing debut, it was pretty well done, so some serious props there. Misha even topped it off by live tweeting the living crap of both east and west coast airing of Mother's Little Helper. He even got Orlando Jones (Sleepy Hollow) and William Shanter, to join in on the viewing and tweet-a-thon. This fandom is just too awesome for words. On topic now, Mother's Little Helper added a little onto Abbadon's back story and connected the dots on how things played out. Can't say much more without ruing it, you know, spoilers. We had a smart Winchester sighting this week with Sam recognizing the sign of SPOILERS and pre-recorded demon exorcism. I was cheering and clapping at that moment. We also need to talk about Crowley and how awesome he was at trying to get Dean on track. Oh Dean's storyline, you can really see that Dean is suffering from the effects of the demon blade and doesn't know what to do about it. Unlike season 7, his alcohol problem is not a random kink in Dean's armor just because, but rather a coping mechanism.

So now let's pick at Mother's Little Helper on what it lacked in. There was the fact that the nun keeping quiet because she was afaird felt more like the writers covering their tracks in a way. Like keeping it in continuity. Also the nun outfits were terrible. Not nun hating, the costumes just felt terrible on the eyes. There is not much about Mother's Little Helper that I can pick at since it has been so long since Supernatural has been decent. Though the Crowley back on the blood drug thing was a bit random. Or maybe it was just a way for the writer to connect Crowley and Dean together for a moment.

Love that Mother's Little Helper brought Supernatural back, but I hate that it's going on hiatus, AGAIN. Not liking this pattern of 2 episodes and then a 3 week hiatus. Not cool. Despite everything connecting to Abbadon this week, it seems like Supernatural didn't move much this week main arc wise. I mean, we haven't heard about Metatron and Castiel is off somewhere doing something. Hopefully not pulling another season 6. Although I did like the reference to season 6 this week. In addition to the mystery of what was plaguing the town. So, Misha good job and it makes getting a pie in the face worth it right? Right? Should this be a thing? A pie in the face means a good episode to come? Probably not, but it sure was amusing. See you all in a few weeks.

What did you think of Mother's Little Helper? What do you think Supernatural needs to fix season 9?

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