Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Doctor Who 'The Snowmen': The Curious Case of Clara

After months of no Doctor Who, the show returns with it's annual Christmas special, this year titled, The Snowmen.We were also re-introduced to the new companion Clara, as she appears before the Doctor again. For those who have tuned in right now, Clara had first appeared in Asylum of the Daleks as Oswin, a girl turned into a dalek herself. Fast forward, she is now a young lady living a double life as a barmaid and a governess. As for the Doctor, he has gone into seclusion since what happened to the Ponds. He is not alone as familiar faces as there to aid him.

So the tale starts off with our villain, Dr Simeon as a young boy discovering his snowman speaking. 50 years later he is an sour old man with plans to have the snowmen take over the world creating ice people. It gives you the warm fuzzies doesn't it? Elsewhere Clara is working at a bar, and when she heads outside she notices a snowman that wasn't there before. She mentions it aloud, and a man (who just so happens to be the Doctor) comments on this. Curious she follows the Doctor, and jumps aboard his carriage. The Doctor quickly tries to get rid of her, but is foiled all attempts. When the Doctor sends her off, Clara sneaks out of the carriage and follows the Doctor, to discover that he is living on a cloud in a strange box.

Sneaking off back to her life, Clara heads to her other job as a Governess for the children of Captain Latimer. After her experience with the Doctor, Clara begins to realize that something dangerous is about to happen at the house and goes in search of him. Instead, she is found by his allies, and submits to the one word test. After the answer of "Pond", the Doctor begins to investigate. He soon discovers that the snow is not snow, but something else entirely.

It's great to see Doctor Who back on the air, even if it was for one day. Doctor Who simply didn't make the Doctor try to move on after the events of  Angels in Manhattan, but instead mourned the loss of his two friends. He essentially turned his back on the world, but it didn't do anything for his curiosity. Despite all his "no more helping", it was really against his nature, and he help, but helping people. We even got his famous line, "bow ties are cool". Now the real headliner of The Snowmen, was the new companion, Clara. There is like this cloud of mystery around her ever since we first saw her as Oswin back in Asylum of the Daleks. The Doctor is drawn to her, and instantly makes the connection between her and Oswin. Well that, and her full name is Clara Oswin Oswalt. I am really looking forward to seeing how this little plot point plays out. In other notes, that Tardis got a redesign that I think plays homage to the earlier doctors. Finally, did anyone like that little Sherlock Holmes reference? Oh you Moffat.

The downside, we have to wait for more Doctor Who now since The Snowmen has now aired. The Snowmen never did give us more information about Clara other than she had appeared before in front of the Doctor. I also felt that the villains seemed a bit half done, that there was more to learn about it later on (but not in this episode). Not to mention the snowmen are a bit scary for young children.

Now fans are going to have to wait until the new episodes to figure out the mystery of Clara. It also gives the Doctor purpose after everything that he had been through. In a way, Clara is like the new River Song, with a mystery if her own. Although I'm pretty sure that she is not another one of the Pond's children (nor another plot point like that). No news yet on when the second half of the series will air though. BBC should be announcing it soon. Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year!

How do you rank this Doctor Who Christmas special?  What's your theory on Clara?

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