Adam Sheehan is living the dream all anime fans around have, working with anime and getting paid for it! He is a senior events manger for Funimation and producer of Dragon Ball Z and up coming Soul Eater. Adams tells that not only love for your interest will get you by in any job you do. Anime is no different.
Adam himself studied business at the University of Texas at Arlington (no idea where that is and don't plan on lookin for it) and was the president of an anime club for three years. During junior year in college he was involved in pro bono work at anime conventions for a friend. After grad, he was offered a job with Score Entertainment as a tour manger for Dragon Ball Z. Later on he called Funimation and I quote said "I'd love to work with you guys." He got to know them though conventions, which came in handy. And he got the job!
The career highlights he mentioned was when CLAMP (insert girly squeal) was brought over by Funimation in 2006 for the first time. Biggest project ever and drew in about 5000 people. Anime fans ask all the time how they can get to work with something like this. Half want to get close while the other half are serious.
I too dream of working in a job like that, but only thing close to an anime studio is in Vancover, British Columbis. The studio is called Ocean Studios. For now I can only dream of it. For more of the actual interview, visit this following site:
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